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Sterncastle Publishing was founded in 2022 as an independent publishing house, but we prefer to be thought of as a personable publisher. Our team works with authors directly to ensure the original integrity of their work is preserved and presented to the market. We specialize in titles in the genres of fiction, folklore, poetry, memoir, and biography and embrace our resident authors as business partners. Publishing with Sterncastle takes the hassle out of getting your book to market and allows our authors to focus on what they do best…writing fantastic books you never want to put down.
Our headquarters and bookstore is the first of its kind in Newport, OR, a seaside gem on Oregon’s majestic coast, which draws over 2 million visitors each year. Our facility is a safe space for all, where those with a love for reading, writing, learning, and/or life on the high seas will feel instantly at home.
A proud member of the Independent Book Publisher’s Association, Sterncastle Publishing seeks to bring greater equity to the literary landscape and build a brand based on elevating voices and telling stories that need to be told.